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Top Online Marketing Opportunity 2010, I Started My Own Business - TWICE! Offline and Online

I started two totally different businesses. The first was the way we are all familiar with, traditionally setting up shop. And the other is starting an online marketing system out there in cyberspace.

I will start with my nightmare of an experience. An experience I have seen other people go through before, but thought, I can make it work for me.

After quitting a failing contractor, I decided to finally go out on my own and start a construction business. To begin this journey, I did not receive my last two paychecks before quitting; so getting ready to get ready was hard, but I could not let that stop me.

I had to take the Contractor's test to be state licensed, which involved application and test fees, a stack of books to study, signing up for a prep course, and travel and overnight expenses for taking the test. Luckily, against the odds, I passed it on the first try. An insurance policy was purchased to cover my new license.

I bought a dependable truck, and... insurance again.

After coming up with a name for my business, I ordered business cards, designed fliers, purchased a domain name and got one of those do-it-yourself websites. I signed a 3 month contract with a local magazine for a quarter page ad, and talked to everyone I knew and did not know - telling them if they needed any work, to call me. I did have one break, I could conduct business from my house and not have to rent a building, as long as I did not have any heavy equipment parked in the yard.

Add in the gas and time, and I found myself busted, and not a single call from my magazine ad.

I thought, well, the holidays were here, then after the holidays, everyone needed to recover. Then Mardi Gras came, and then tax season was here.

Between those excuses and the economy like it is, I did not land any jobs that pushed my bank account forward.

With all that going on, I too, spent my nights searching the internet for that one Home Based Business that - "for just $19.99, I would be revealed the secret formula for making money."

I never got this "secret to becoming rich" formula that all these sites claim to have.

AND THEN, from a free one-time, complimentary issue of an opportunity magazine mailed to me, (or current resident), I found something that changed it all for me, and how I viewed the online business industry.

I found a marketing business that makes no claims to secrets. In fact, one of our leaders says, "there's no unicorns or rainbows here, folks."

I found CarbonCopyPRO. An established marketing company with support, a lot of support: live chat support, phone and Skype, tech support, email ticket responses, forums, a great FAQ section, live calls EVERYDAY, live training webinars - at least two a week, weekly live calls with the founders and top leaders, an in-depth back office site, which has everything you need to be successful, a community of people that wants all of us to make it to the top. And they prove it everyday on the live calls. And, just pick up the phone and call your sponsor.

I did not have any kind of support like this when I was starting my construction business.

I made a decision, took action, and joined this community of successful people. I was not naive when I started, though. It is taking my share of work and as my business becomes more and more efficient, I still will have to manage it. But with less effort. How much managing would I have to do in construction?

All businesses online have a common factor for making their systems work for you. Just as all construction companies need insurance, tools, ladders, trucks, permits, etc., all internet based companies have their level of requirements also. So do not let an internet site make you believe that they will do everything for you. They make it sound like it works, and it works on paper. But an interior door can swing against a wall with light switches behind it - on paper, but try to let that one go by an inspector.

They requires that you apply what is laid out. Just be teachable. Increase your effort by 1% a day and that ends up compounding on itself, and before you realize, your efforts have increased exponentially. And don't take my word for it because you know it yourself, the rewards speak for themselves.

I worked from 7am till whenever, when I was employed, and worked from 6am till whenever, plus weekends, when I started on my own. I treat my online business with the same persistence, but now it's on my terms. "You work like no other, so that later, you can live like no other." And I add, "Later is sooner. All you have to do, is do it."

Imagine if YOU could spend the energy I spent on starting a Construction business, and spend it on a business like CarbonCopyPRO... at least that's what i think.

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