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วันอังคารที่ 4 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Success Tip - Gratitude Will Take You Very Far

On your road to greatness and influence, always take time to show GRATITUDE to all the "LADDERS" you used on your way up. RELATIONSHIPS you work on will take you beyond where money, intellect and personal effort has taken you. Work on your network today and get set for more doors that will open (See Networking in this manual).

Relationships are meant to be bi-directional, sowing and reaping on both sides. As long as you think you can use relationships to go up the ladder and then forget them when you have "arrived" then you run the risk of waking up with no shield around you. The day you want to use those same relationships, your track record will let you down. Never forget those who helped you up the ladder. You will always need them. A thank you card, a letter worth framing, an email to say thank you, a post card with a nice picture on it, a surprise birthday present for your relationships and connections always pays. Don't despise the effects of a thank you note. Gratitude always keeps relationships intact

One of the passions I carry is that of creating cards. I remember in the year 2008, I created personalized Christmas cards on nice glossy paper for one of my businesses to give out to customers. The result of that heart of gratitude was that those very businesses started calling me to place orders for their cards. Just in an instant I had all this income which I had never planned to have and to date this remains an initiative which I am pursuing with passion. Just a gesture of gratitude opened doors that I had never dreamt of.

When you have a heart of gratitude you will realize that your relationships will last longer, you will gather many around you who value relationships and networking. Sometimes we are grateful to other people and forget to be grateful to our very own parents who raised us up. Yes, granted, it is every parent's responsibility to raise their child to experience maximum exposure to greatness activation moments. Consider this; they have a choice to do that or just leave you to grope through life with no meaningful direction; finding about life on your own. Some parents set opportunities for their children until they can fly on their own. My encouragement is that you show your gratitude whilst they still walk this earth, when they can see and read the card, smell the flowers and wear the nice clothes. You can never repay your own parents for all the investment made into your life but occasional moments of showing gratitude will take you very far.

Ponder Points - Think about this - Who has helped you in your quest to rise in life, business and ministry? How much gratitude have you shown them? What are the strategic relationships you are maintaining?

Affirmation Points - Say this to yourself - I am surrounded with great friends and connections who have lifted me up in business, ministry and personally. I am forever thankful for them. I keep all relationships that have assisted me on my way up. I maintain them even if it costs me. I am thankful for the plans and purposes in my life and relations that have been given to me.

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