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วันอังคารที่ 3 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Classic Game Room HD - A BOY AND HIS BLOB for Wii review

Classic Game Room HD reviews A BOY AND HIS BLOB for Nintendo Wii, a side scrolling plaformer puzzle game with a very cool hand-drawn style animation. A "reimaging" of the NES original, your character feeds the blob jellybeans which allow him to turn into various objects that help in the journey through 4 worlds and about 40 levels. The blob can turn into 15 different items like ladders, cannons and trampolines. Music is soothing and relaxing to match the gameplay of this casual game for all ages. This CGR review of A Boy and His Blob has gameplay from a boy and his blob on Nintendo Wii.

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