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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 22 กรกฎาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Surefire Advice to Help You Overcome Panic Attacks

Should you be looking for ways to overcome panic attacks, the best advice which anyone could possibly give you is for you to begin to understand the attacks and what causes them, so as to be able to effectively overcome the attacks.

Firstly it is essential that one understands that these anxiety or panic attacks are caused by incorrect programming in the subconscious mind which might have taken place many years before the attacks actually began to occur. This often occurs when ones subconscious mind associates a bad experience or fear with certain situations or stimulus due to the programming which it received during the formative years and thus it triggers a negative response to these stimuli or situations later on in life.

Take for instance the example of someone who might have fallen off a ladder at a very early age and got a huge fright because of it, this may trigger them to begin to suffer anxiety or panic attacks when they are confronted by a situation where they are required to climb a ladder later on in life.

This is a very basic example but the principle stays the same for any situation or stimulus which might trigger an anxiety or panic attack in an individual, for some or other reason the subconscious mind has been incorrectly programmed to send the individual into fight or flight mode when confronted by these situations or stimulus.

So to be able to effectively overcome panic attacks one needs to find a way to once again access the part of the subconscious mind which is responsible for this inappropriate reaction and somehow correct this programming so as to be able to stop the attacks from occurring.

There are a few techniques which have been proven to be very successful in this regard and some of them are brainwave programmer, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and meditation.

All of these techniques are very natural and have no side effects so they are far better for the individual than some of the other conventional treatments in my opinion as they actually go to the cause of the disorder rather than simply alleviate the symptoms.

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