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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Wear a Medical Alert Device When Using a Ladder and Working Alone

According to a USA Today article, ladder accidents send 222,000 people to emergy rooms each year. Therefore, it is important to purchase a ladder that is durable and safe compared to the number of flimsy, tipsy, wobbly ladders that are available for a bargain price.

Here are a few tips in using a ladder wisely to avoid accidents:

- Avoid the sensation of monotonous dizziness by going up and down the ladder in succession. Wait a bit to go up and come down. This will help with balance and avoid possible dizziness and a misstep on a ladder rung.

- Stay off the top rung to reach something very high up. Once you are on the top rung and if the ladder happens to be a cheap, flimsy model, chances of the ladder giving way increase the farther up you go and lose leverage. Being on the very top of the ladder can cause some dizziness and sense of unbalance.

- Do not use a ladder on stairs. Get a ladder that is specifically designed to be used on stairs or uneven surfaces.

Ladders prove to be potential hazards if not used wisely. A way to ensure your safety is to purchase a medical alert device and wear it while working with a ladder, especially if you live alone or are working alone. Take some time to invest in the right products and work at protecting yourself from ladder accidents or any other potential accidents in and around the house.

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