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วันพุธที่ 30 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Secrets of Prolonged Ladder Life

A ladder is similar to any good tool you own-you need to take care of it so that it works and functions well. The following are a few tips to aid you in maintaining, storing and caring for your ladder.

Ladder Maintenance

1. To guarantee smooth operation, lubricate the hinge system and lock tab assemblies a minimal of every six months and prior to long time storage. This should be carry out more frequently as use dictates, and in severe weather situations. Lubricants might comprise: a dry lubricant, a high-performance lubricant, a light machine oil, a silicone spray lubricant, a white lithium grease.

2. At all times keep the ladder in a dry place away from the weather. This will aid to guarantee that your ladder will give you a lifetime of service.

3. Maintain rails dirt-free so that ladder will slide effortlessly.

4. Maintain hinge system free of dirt, salt spray, or other contaminates that could stop proper operation.

5. Change inner and outer feet as necessary to guarantee safety.

6. Check all components to be certain they function properly.

7. Change labels with label kit once labels become unclear, ruined, misplaced or hard to read.

Ladder Storage

1. At all times keep your ladder in a dry location, standing against a wall so it occupies a smaller amount of space or hang it on hooks on the wall or ceiling.

2. Once you take your ladder out of storage, examine your ladder prior to your usage. Look for any damage the ladder may have sustained while in storage.

3. People who keep their ladders in their garages ought to be more careful when setting up their ladder for the first time as it could've been accidentally spoil by their vehicle. Be certain to keep the ladder to the side of any vehicle to avoid this from happening.

Keep in mind to take care of all your tools. With appropriate use, maintenance, storage and cleaning, your ladder ought to last a lifetime.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

My Tribute To Matt Hardy-Time of Dying by Three Days Grace

This is my tribute to the one and only Matt Hardy V.1 i think its really good and i worked long and hard on it so please enjoy, rate, and comment

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วันเสาร์ที่ 26 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Little Giant Ladder Common Uses

A survey of the little giant ladders shows that 18 in every 1000 households undertake a major home improvement project each year. The survey also found out that 46% suffers injuries by failing from ladders. In fact most of forget that ladders are an essential equipment for every household and a good quality ladder will ensure safety to its user. The little giant ladder is the right choice for all homeowners and other professionals.

Little Giant ladders are of great help whether it's a simple quick-fix or a major undertaking; furthermore it is trustworthy and safe.

Government rated Little Giant Ladders can hold up to 380 pounds but have survived stress testing of up to 1100 pounds with no structural failure at all. Thus it is strong and sturdy and ready to assist you in your home improvement work challenges.

Uneven Surface

The little giant ladder system is configured with 24 different ladder systems - all in one unique design. It has a firm grip and can stand on any uneven or rough surfaces giving full protection to the user. The little giant ladder company also provides you with the accessory called little giant leg leveler to provide improved balance during working.

Working Freely

The giant little ladder can be squeezed in through any corner of your house. It is easy to carry and doesn't require a lot of space. Little Giant has a movable work platform that can hold up to an incredible 300 pounds. This platform further provides you with the space for tools and drinks!

Be it home or office, road or pavement, the little giant ladder has proved to be the best.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 24 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Ladder Decor - the Possibilities Are Endless

With a little bit of creativity and some imagination you can take something as simple as a plain wooden ladder and transform it into a beautiful piece of home décor. The thought may not have even crossed your mind - after all it's a ladder, but the possibilities are endless!

After we discovered that you can take a plain, old regular ladder and transform it into a decorative piece of home décor we did some research to find out some specific ideas and uses.

Below we are going to share them with you. If you like any of these ideas and find you need step by step instructions, just take a trip to your local Home Depot or do a search online using Google and you will have more ideas then you know what to do with!

Ladder Décor Ideas:

An old ladder and wooden bins come together for a simple storage solution. Cut down the ladder to the desired height. Rest the wooden bins on the ladder rungs and attach with screws on the sides. Add a decorative metal plate to the front of each bin. After you transform your ladder here are some things you can now do with it:

Quilt & Throw Ladder - You can easily stain the ladder so that it looks new and vibrant and then hang your quilts and throws over the bars. It makes for a beautiful display and gives you lots of room!

Bathroom Ladder Rack - You can easily transform a ladder into a useful decorative rack for displaying just about anything with just a little creativity. You can add bins to the ladder by screwing them into the side legs to make more room.

Garden & Patio Ladder - You can use your ladder to house your plants out on the porch or in your garden. You can have ivy wrap around the form which will give it that extra touch of décor.

More Ideas - Child's easel, towel ladder, magazine ladder, picture ladder, shelf, end table and so much more! Again, you are only limited by your imagination! As you can see there are many unique ideas, you are bound to find one that will work perfectly for you and liven up your house!

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วันอังคารที่ 22 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Smackdown 5 - The Manifestation

Here are the final bumps i have for HCTP. these were ones that didnt make it in the advent, but i feel are much better than the advent. they deserve their own short video.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 20 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Wear a Medical Alert Device When Using a Ladder and Working Alone

According to a USA Today article, ladder accidents send 222,000 people to emergy rooms each year. Therefore, it is important to purchase a ladder that is durable and safe compared to the number of flimsy, tipsy, wobbly ladders that are available for a bargain price.

Here are a few tips in using a ladder wisely to avoid accidents:

- Avoid the sensation of monotonous dizziness by going up and down the ladder in succession. Wait a bit to go up and come down. This will help with balance and avoid possible dizziness and a misstep on a ladder rung.

- Stay off the top rung to reach something very high up. Once you are on the top rung and if the ladder happens to be a cheap, flimsy model, chances of the ladder giving way increase the farther up you go and lose leverage. Being on the very top of the ladder can cause some dizziness and sense of unbalance.

- Do not use a ladder on stairs. Get a ladder that is specifically designed to be used on stairs or uneven surfaces.

Ladders prove to be potential hazards if not used wisely. A way to ensure your safety is to purchase a medical alert device and wear it while working with a ladder, especially if you live alone or are working alone. Take some time to invest in the right products and work at protecting yourself from ladder accidents or any other potential accidents in and around the house.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 18 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

SummerSlam 2000 TLC Match 2/3

Christian and Edge vs. The Dudley Boys vs. The Hardy Boys in the 1st ever Triple Threat Tag Team Tables Ladders and Chairs Match.

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วันอังคารที่ 15 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Digital Photography Silhouettes

Silhouettes are some of the most beautifully gentle types of digital photography you can do. They can offer us a commanding presence combined with such gentleness. A digital photography silhouette can work so well to emphasise a certain subjects form very well. It can take your main focus from an uninteresting scene to one of pure interest and fascination. And this works extremely well in digital photography.

Digital photography Silhouettes work best when there is one main subject (can comprise of a few subjects) that has the whole emphasis on it. What works best is the light coming from behind to block out the whole subject, not just dim the subject.

But, there is more to it than just blacking out the subject from the light behind. You will find that when you go to take your digital photo silhouette shape and form become features points of your picture. Your lines and form become paramount to a successful silhouette image. The background colour can really work well to enhance your silhouette, especially bold colour that stands out nicely to enhance the blackness of your subject. Your lines will help enhance the viewer's perception of the more concentrated feeling you are creating.

Bold background colour works well with a digital silhouette photo because it enhances the black and you'll find it lifts your subject because of the stark contrast it creates. Black and bold, intense colour can enhance each other. A black figure against a hot pink background or bright blue can look powerful.

Your lines and shapes are enhanced because the detail of the frontal aspect of the main subject are gone. The eye is left with nothing but shapes and form to capture the essence of the image itself. We are unable to see frontal detail so naturally our eye looks at the composition and form of that subject to find information from it.

To create beautiful silhouette digital photography choose a simple theme. Silhouette is all about "simple" and there are many things that work well. Silhouetted subjects against a sunset sky are a traditional method of creating beautiful silhouettes. Another thing you can do is black and white silhouette. Black and white silhouettes such as branches of a tree against a blue sky done in your black and white mode create a sense of drama and interest. The sprawled-out branches of the tree as a shape tend to capture our interest very quickly. Inanimate objects such as ladders, lamp posts, bridges and windmills can also make powerful silhouette digital photos.

Framing your silhouette is very important too. Framing creates an important aspect in the composition of your photo and helps to create the point of where the lines can begin and end.

Don't forget about the weather. The weather changes your light instantly. Silhouettes rely on light and it's important to make sure your weather isn't changing too dramatically if you are taking outside silhouette digital photos. You can use good weather turned bad fairly well in silhouette digital photography. A mountain range with misty clouds can help increase the sense of the dramatic anyway, and when done in black and white, your silhouette becomes more powerful.

If you want to practice getting superb silhouette digital photos, just look at your shadows during the day. I urge you to really look at the lines, shapes and forms of the shadow because it's very much like the kind of eye you would cast over a newly created silhouette photo. It's a great way to practice your silhouette digital photography. See how the shadow creates the outside lines of your main subject. You can even take a photo of the shadow to get an idea of how silhouettes appear. So keep practising and improving your digital photography always!


วันอาทิตย์ที่ 13 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

MLG Demolition on Scrapyard (Gameplay/Commentary)

Just giving out some basic tips on wining Demo. One of the hardest gametypes in my opinion controlling spawns and nades is always a lot of work. Almost at 2000 subscribers keep telling your friends about me and please come join our forums. I love having discussions about my videos on their and its a lot easier for communications. Also don't forget to check out gamebattles as they are the number one online source for clan ladders. ***Links*** www.thenewbreed.ca www.gamebattles.com

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วันศุกร์ที่ 11 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2553

Chris Blade vs. JohnXCore (Ladder Match) | ASPW One More Time II

Clips of the Junior Division Championship Ladder match that took place at ASPW's two year anniversary supershow, One More Time II. Subscribe to Alpha Semi Pro Wrestling for the music video. www.youtube.com aspwrestling.webs.com

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