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วันศุกร์ที่ 26 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Too Many Ladders?

Imagine if you had ten ladders lined up against a wall. Each ladder is different; each has problems and challenges. For example, one has a few rungs missing. Another has wet paint on it. Yet another is rickety, one sways and one is very narrow. At the top of the wall is a treasure chest. Most people start at ladder number one and they climb a few rungs but then things get difficult - there's wet paint or a missing rung, for instance, so they get down and rush off to the next ladder. After a few rungs, they get scared because this ladder sways, so they climb back down and rush off to ladder number three. Time is passing, but they keep on trying a new ladder. Suddenly, they realize that they're fifty years old and still going from ladder to ladder. Meanwhile, their friends stuck to their ladders and arrived at the top a long time ago.

I meet a lot of "seminar junkies" who rush from course to course, seminar to seminar, scheme to scheme, opportunity to opportunity, paying good money every time and never hanging in there long enough to make it work. Up a few rungs and then, when the going gets tough, they go shopping for the next ladder. And of course, they always have multiple excuses why they didn't hang in there long enough to climb to the top of the ladder. Like the man who chases two rabbits - he doesn't catch one. Or the woman who tries to ride two bicycles at the same time. Doesn't work. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none, or FUN, but not a master of success. Sooner or later, we have to decide on the ladder we want to climb to financial success, independence and freedom. Then stick to it. Before you know it, you'll be counting the treasure.

Every ladder has its problems; not one is perfect. It won't be easy, but one needs to choose a ladder that is going to work best. I like to choose a ladder that has the greatest potential, the least risk and cost, the most support and the one that is fastest to climb. I like a business that has universal appeal with no limitations or borders and one that I can be very creative with. I want the security of knowing that my risk and time required is minimal.

That's why I chose Joint Ventures. Because with JV's, I can help and encourage those who are behind me on the ladder, while receiving assistance and advice from those who are ahead of me. The Joint Venture Forum was created with the knowledge that together, we can do amazing things, so we need the guidance and support of others, to keep us on track and teach us how to excel. Join us and let's get onto the ladder to success: http://www.jvwisdom.com

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